What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:insuretips.xyz





How can I get a fair replacement cost by the auto insurance company when my car is totaled?

my car is being paid off by the other person's insurance company, not mine.



Who has the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Tx?

I have Geico right now.. I am a 17 year old boy who has a car accident on his record (in june 2010).



Adding someone to your car insurance policy?

I'm a new teen driver and as you may all know insurance rates are sky high. I was wondering if a family member, who doesn't live with me, can add me to their insurance policy? If yes, does the car have to be in their name? Or do I have to have the same address in order for them to add me?



How much might mototcycle insurance cost a 20 yr old male?

I am getting a SV650, and i neeed motorcycle insurance. but i need to know how much it can cost me at an -Average- for me age. the bike itself cost around 7,000$ and it is a sports bike. any thoughts?



Does anyone know where I can buy affordable motorcycle insurance online?

I prefer one that will provide same day proof of coverage. My hubby was stopped on Friday after work and we need this as soon as possible. Thanks!!



I knocked over a stop sign with someone else's car, whose insurance company do I use?

Nothing happened to the car, I just need to pay for the stop sign. (I still don't understand why they can't just stick the sign back in. Nothing happened to it.) Anyway, I'm wondering if I should call my insurance company, or the person's insurance company. The police took the insurance # of the car's owner, but to file a report, do I call my company or his? (We both have the same company, USAA, but I don't know what policy # to use.)



Is this true about insurance?

i recently tried to tell my insurance agency (freeway insurance) in california that i want to remove a vehicle from my plan. however, they told me that i would still have to pay them the next month regardless because its a law or something. is this true? and can they really charge me a serivce fee for something like that? Thanks in advance!



Insurance settlement.?

Back in October, I was hit by a vehicle that was backing out too fast from a parking spot. My vehicle was parked and there was no one in the driver seat. My three children were also ...show more



Insurance under Obama care?

I am 22 years old and graduated a week ago. My parents have insurance through trustmark insurance and I've been recently hired on full time for a management position. Being a full time employee, I have the opportunity to get my own insurance or waive it. I've heard that I should be able to stay on my parents insurance until I am 26. However, I've also heard that I would need to be a student in order to continue on staying on my parents insurance. So essentially I am asking whether I should be able to stay on my parents insurance until I am 26? If my wage is needed for this, I make 14$ an hour. My parents are more than willing to keep me on their employers insurance.



What is the best age to buy life insurance?

What is the best age to buy life insurance?



What is the best and cheap motorbike insurance I can get?

Hi everyone. I'm buying a motorbike soon and wanna know the cheap and best motorbike insurance I can get. I'm 17 and getting a 125cc motorbike and just wanna know the cheap and best I can get thanks you.



Motorcycle insurance full coverage!?

how much will it cost me? im 18 and im going to take the MSF course...my bike is a honda cbr 600rr 2005 i could i put my dad under my motorcycle? he is 50 and no tickets he had his m1 for like 10yrs but not no more i live in pomona,california 91766



Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???

Does anyone know how much your car insurance will go up on a 1st offence dui???



What personal information can be revealed by a car insurance card?

Friend asked me for a copy of my car insurance card, said he needed it for something but didn't tell me what.



How i can get cheap insurance for my children?

How i can get cheap insurance for my children?



Cheapest auto insurance for 18 year old?

i am 18 years old a female and i own a 1996 chevrolet s10 2wd pickup truck i have had my licence since i was 16 and i am wondering if any one knows of any cheap insurance i live in st.petersburg florida please help!!!



I have a question about car insurance?

Okay I get my license on Monday but i don't have insurance yet due to my grades but does that mean i cant not drive a car that has insurance like my parents cars??? Thanks I really need an answer



What is the best car insurance company?

I need to know what the cheapest car insurance is and is also reliable and still covers almost anything...(if such a thing exists) can someone help me?



Auto insurance plz help!?

i have a 2005 ford mustang and im 17yrs old. i have had a couple of speeding tickets and etc. is there any place in arkansas were i can find cheap insurance thanks.



Insurance question minor accident no damage to my car?

Hi, A driver made a reverse and hit my bimper. nothing happenned to my car but his step bumper is a bit bent. not the secretary of the company called wants me to pay around $2000! or ...mostrar ms



What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?

What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?



What is the average cost of insurance for new drivers in Massachusetts?

During late November, I will be receiving my license and will have the responsibility of paying for my own car as well as insurance. At that time, I will be roughly 16 and a half years old. I am looking to purchase a late 1990's Honda car but can not narrow it down further as I do not know specifically what car I will have. I heard during my drivers education class that grades effect your cost of insurance. I am a straight A students that takes challenging classes as well as having a part time job. I live in a city environment in Massachusetts with a population of less than 50,000 residents if that matters. What do you think will be roughly the cost of insurance for my situation?



What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?

Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?



Cheapest car insurers for 17 year olds?

Which websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance offers for new drivers? Im 17 so I wanna find the best deal!



How does a 13 year old tell their mom they want to have a baby??? HELP PLEASE :)?

Im 13 and it may be a little weird but im ready for a baby. how do i tell my mom?


What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.


How much does car insurance cost on average for a 18 year old female drive in florida?




What is the average auto mileage per year?

Farmers Insurance says that it is 22,000 and I don't believe them for a second



How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?

How muh would cost me a car insurance? i havent bought the car yet. i am a new driver.?



Cheap auto insurance?

Where is a good place to get cheap auto insurance? Im a 22 y/o female that lives in CA. I need full coverage (liability, collission and comprehensive) on my 2003 Honda Civic. My driving record isnt too bad. Thanks in advance.



Tell me a word which explain Insurance in a single line?

I need a good tagline for Insurance



Allstate Insurance? Pricing?

I have a question, If there's 2 people registered under one car, does Allstate bump up the insurance price? Thanks



Free health insurance for full time student?

My friend told that me since I am a full time student, I have 15 units, I would be able to qualify for free health insurance until i'm 26 or done with school. Is this true? Thanks



Insurance companies have told me I now, do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. What can I do?

I no longer have health insurance. My employer could no longer afford the premiums and I cannot afford Cobra. The 63 day preexisting conditions deadline has passed. I had a heart valve repaired in 2009 and donated a kidney for my wife in Feb. of 2011. Insurance companies have told me I now do NOT qualify for 'regular' insurance. Under the new Health Care Law, what can I do and who can I contact to get affordable coverage?



How much money will I get from this car accident?

The air bag knocked me unconscious and so now my lawyer is handling everything. I don't have health insurance so the insurance so the drivers insurance company should for it. How much money could I get from a case like this if the drivers insurance company is Progressive with full coverage?



I don't have car insurance but i have a license?

I'm confused, i dont have my own car but i drive my mothers car and THAT car has insurance. I dont get it, if i drive it do i need insurance under my name or is it good enough if the car has insurance under her name? I hope i havent been driivng illegally all along....



Whats the cheapest car insurrance?

I am an 18 year old single male. I have one claim that is my fault. This brought my insurance up about $100. I have statefarm, but everyone suggest I look around for some place cheaper. I don't have full coverage, just liability. Any suggestions? I have a four door 1996 Volvo 850. Anything will help. Thanks.



Why does the Affordable Health Care Act make health care more expensive?

http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/dec/10/obamacare-fee-of-63-per-person-to-begin-in-2014/ If the name was correct, shouldn't costs be going down? What would be a ...show more



How Much Is Insurance For A Mustang?

I'm 16 and am looking into getting a 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang gt. im a great driver. my parents have travelers for auto insurance, and they're going to add my car to their insurance. my parents are also great drivers, no wrecks/tickets or anything. what is the average i would have to pay for my car insurance each month? thanks:)



Antique motorcycles older than 25 years dont have to pay insurance?

Im sure i remember being told if a motorcycle is older than 25 years you dont have to pay out any insurance on it is that right??



How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?

I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)



How much will my car insurance be?

I'm a 17 year old male and have recently passed my driving test, how much will my car insurance most likely be if I buy a second hand car for about 2000. Thanks.



How much would motorcycle insurance cost for a 17 year old with a 01 Suzuki Katana 600 in Texas?

I am looking into getting one and want to know how much the insurance would cost.



What would be the car insurance group for a renault megane cabrio dymanique 1600cc?

I am selling my car and have been asked what insurance group it is please.



How much do you pay for basic liability auto insurance?

I'm only interested in liability insurance. Please list your state and monthly payment.



What is the cheapest auto insurance place in Houston that I can get without a license?

My problem is , i lost my wallet and it had my social securtity card in it, so i have to wait 2 weeks to get it in the mail. I was gonig to get my license because i just bought a car but now i cannot get the reguistration and title without insurance under my name. I put my car under my dad's name only and now the courthouse says that i must have it under my name so that is already 65.00 down the drain, next i call up more insurance places and they are charging me 125.00 down then 65-70 a month. This is crazy ......i need a cheap 1 month car insurance place asap!!



Cheapest car insurance for a young driver?

im 20..i own a car. no tickets and no accidents i have had my license for a yr and half where can i find the cheapest car insurance?



Car insurance rate question?

If I use my dads insurance on my car and get into an accident what will happen? Who would get in trouble me or me father?



Cost of high risk auto insurance in Canada?

Could somebody pleeaase give me a rough estimate of the yearly high-risk auto insurance cost?! I've just recently recieved a DUI and my license is currently suspended. I am starting the process of gettin it back now though and would like an idea of cost please and thanks! :) Oh and I'm also currently living in Ontario Canada, near Toronto but any estimate will help, Canadian or American! Thnx!



What are some cheap but nice older cars to insure?

I am 16 and I am looking to get an older car, i am hoping for a 79 Firebird, mustang or a camaro, but i am just looking for something relatively cheap in all categories. I don't have to worry about repairs, as i can do all the work at my school. PS would it be expensive to insure a car from the late 60s? like a charger?



I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?

I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?


What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.


A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?

I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.



I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 05 mustang gt im 14 and have my permit cause i live in SD?

i would like to know how much per month (Preferably State Farm) insurance rates would cost for a first time car buyer for a young teenager getting a sports car my mom is alright with the price of the car alone and monthly lease but wants to know the monthly insurance fee.



Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?

i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance



Estimated teen car insurance in NY?

I know that there are a lot of things that factor into how much insurance will cost a teen but i just want an estimate. I have no clue will it be $20 a month or $200 a month... Someone help I have a 2002 toyota camry and took drivers ed so have 10% off insurance.



What cheap cars to buy insurance wise?

Looking to see what is a good car (within UK) to buy for a 1st time driver that just passed test. I was thinking corsa or Ka something 1.3 or lower, only requirement I have is the same reason for a car and give up motorcycles- need the car to be able to fit a baby seat comfortably in the back seat, any suggestions?



Does anyone know if I am disable,I receive ssi (I have a MS)what kind of car insurance?

Does anyone know if I am disable person, I receive ssi (I have a multiple sclerosis) what kind of car insurance company I can choose? And how much I have to pay each month? Thank you



What is the cheapest individual health insurance plan in PA?

age 62, good health



What's this 50 cash back with a car insurance quote all about?

I was quoted 370, clicked on 'buy now' and it said 420.....you get the 50 cash back, in a cheque, through the post after 120 days



How much does renter's insurance cost?

How much does renter's insurance cost?



How much is car insurance for a jeep wrangler?

i am 18 and have a clean driving record



Any statefarm agents that can help with a car insurance question?

I had my auto insurance with state farm for several years. I used to live in Miami, Fl for pretty much the whole time until this past January that i moved to Orlando. Until now (October 2012) i hadn't changed my address because i was planning on going back but now that i decided to stay in Orlando i ended up changing to another insurance company because my policy was going to be A LOT cheaper. My question is, should i be able to get retroactive pay for the difference in my premium from the more expensive premium that i was paying in Miami and the much lower one from Orlando? I sent my state farm agent my lease contract since the beginning of the year and she said that they weren't going to allow it. Does that sound right? I know it was my responsibility to have my addresses changed but since i didn't and i was paying my premium for one city while living at another. Thanks!



Is it possible to upgrade car insurance with an ongoing claim?

Hello, I am a 19 year old male living in England. I had an accident around 2 months ago in my car of which I am the main driver and owner (no dispute here). I have been ensured by a solicitor friend that the crash was not my fault as the other party pulled out in front of me. However, the other party is still disputing liability and I have been told by my insurance that the case could take upwards of 10 weeks. I have a job opportunity starting in 1 week exactly as a delivery driver. I will technically be self-employed, so will have to provide my own business insurance. My question is: is it at all possible to upgrade my insurance to business cover while the claim is still ongoing? If this is possible, would it be allowed on the basis that I would be considered liable for this accident (at least in the short run) and thus be charged a an extortionate amount? Thanks in advance.



About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license

About how much is the average teen insurance of the lowest requirements for TX of a 17 year old with a license



Health Insurance for Newborn baby?

I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)



Auto insurance quotes?!?!?! please help!!!!?

i need a rough estimate and i really dont feel like typing in my information online and getting a real quote lol i just want a real rough quote with average coverage. if anyone could help that would be great. insurance for a new driver with good grades better than B's and all that junk. the car is a 2003 cadillac deville DTS with like 101,000 miles on it. anything could help!!!!! :)



Provisional insurance for young driver?

Looking to get insured on my mums car but my mums insurance company wont put me on her insurance,,,, could i get insured by a company such as provisional marmalade? Any other suggestions?



How and what is cheap auto insurance?

How and what is cheap auto insurance?



How much does insurance cost on a rental car?, I need a rough estimate, please help?

it's in portland if that makes a difference, thanks



Car Insurance?

My daughter is going to be 17 soon and is looking to buy a small car, ie corsa. Does anyone know the cheapest place to get car insurance for young drivers. She would prefer to have the insurance in her own name to build up no claims discount.



My wife is pregnant, we do not have insurance. What should we do?

We do not have insurance, but are having a baby. We are happy to add to our family, but do not know how we are going to be able to afford the up coming medical bills.



Sent a fake transcript to a car insurance for good student discount?

So me like an idiot sent a transcript from my college to Geico car insurance and it was altered. I thought that in the next semester, i can be able to make it all up. the altered transcript had 2 C's 2 A's and 1 B. What can i do now? I am really afraid because I really don't know what to do anymore. I feel like committing suicide because of this. What should i do? My original gpa for the transcript was 2.50



Now that health insurance companies must give a rebate to companies for group plans?

that don't completely utilize coverage, according to an obscure audit formula, will those insured under the group plan feel guilty if they have to use it and it affects everyone in the plan's annual rebate check? And how will insurance companies make up for this loss?



Is california an affordable and nice place to live?

I live in ohio and I want to move to california to go to cal state in concord. I just need a little information from someone who lives there. Like is food and clothes expensive and is it expensive to buy furniture. I have already got the cost of a house and found some cheap ones. I just need to know how much money I will need. So can anyone help?



How do you pay for auto insurance?

teen trying to understand how insurance works



What is the best and cheapest company for motorcycle insurance?

I am a rider with 10 years of driving experience but my license lapsed and I was forced to start over as a new driver (M1 graduated liecense). I'm married, in my 30's, I drive a 1999 Yamaha YZF R-6 and have never made any claims.


What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.


Is it a legal requirement to carry your car insurance documentation at all times?

Okay, this is the second time i've asked a question in the last two days but this forum is really interesting and gets me thinking. While I was at University, I was driving innocently along when I realized I didn't have my lights on. At that PRECISE MOMENT, I saw blue flashing lights behind me and the police pulled me over. He asked ''Do you know why I pulled you over?'' and I said 'Yes sorry! I didn't have my lights on''. He then proceeded to put me in the back of his police car and ask me questions such as name, address, telephone number, mobile telephone number, height, weight etc.. which I believed to be innocent questions.. but then the questions kept going down a quite frankly rediculous route and he asked me ''hair colour, eye colour, what are you wearing?, where are you going? why are you going there? etc etc and I started to wonder if he was taking the mick. Then after all that he asked for my car insurance documentation and driving lisence and I said I didn't have any on me except my lisence. He looked at my lisence, wrote down some information and gave it back to me. He then said ''do you realize it is an offence not to carry your car insurance documents with you when asked to produce them at the roadside?''. Again I apologized and said that I had no idea that this was the case. He then gave me five days to produce my photo and counterpart driving lisence and car insurance documents at the local police station or I would be arrested for failing to produce documents on demand. He then asked me to provide a testimony which would be read in court if I didn't produce the documents and so I said ''I'm terribly sorry for any inconvenience''. He then let me out. Suffice to say, the next day I took my documents to the police station for inspection. Is this standard proceedure?



I was wondering who has the cheapest auto insurance rates in the bay area california? please help.....?

I was wondering who has the cheapest auto insurance rates in the bay area california? please help.....?



Considering suing my car insurance company?

As we all know car insurance companies in the United States of America charge males more than females to drive a car based on real world studies . This is the equivalent of not hiring females because they may get pregnant and take a lot ofdays off... Because this is truly a real world study i conducted that males dont get pregnant as often as females. So I am highly tempted to bring this up with a lawyer or at least send a letter to my car insurance company, and i want them to hurt for it because frankly it pisses me off that i am being descriminated against. Further more, in europe, this practice of charging males more because they are more likely to drive is highly illegal. I am in no way a liberal democrat but if this sensitivity bullshit is going to stop descrimination than maybe they should give a **** about me before i start caring about them...



Car insurance question?

If I make a down payment of around a quarter of the car price ($4,500 for a $18,000 car) when I buy and also get comprehensive insurance on it. After two years if the car gets totaled- how much will I get from the insurance company?



Does anyone know where i can get car insurance?

does anyone know where a college student with bad credit can get a car insurance



How much does Homeowners Insurance cost?

Whats a good estimate for how much my homeowners insurance would be if I'm a first time buyer, my home is around 300,000. and I have good credit, plus the home is in a brand new developement. I just want an estimate. Thanks.



I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?

I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?



Life insurance recommendation?

Hello !! Michael, I am interested in a term life insurance policy for myself and my wife. We are 50 and 51 years of age and in overall good health. We are both overweight according to Farmers insurance guidelines. Everything was fine with regards to our health except for their restrictions about the weight issue. My question: What are we supposed to do in order to be insured with a reputable company ? We would be willing to pay a higher premium if necessary. Could you Please recommend some insurance companys that provide flexibility with regard to weight. Your help is appreciated !!!!



Looking for a good insurance company?

Im barley getting by as it is so i need an insurance company that can help pay for expensive monthly inhalers, and i need dental insurance. But like i said im barley making it as it is, is there anyone out there that is paying for there on plan and what are you paying? Im 19 my moms 55 and we both need coverage. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.



How pleased are you with your health care insurance?

Please rate 1-10 (1 being you do not have health care coverage and 10 you are very pleased Also Please give your age and nationality



Cheapest operating cost for motorcycle/moped/scooter?

What make and model will get you down the road the cheapest, but not necessarily the quickest? I am also asking that you factor in basic maintenance like oil changes, tires, etc along with insurance. Explain what you know.



Best Place for van insurance, young driver 24?

I'm just wondering the where is the best place to look for cheap van insurance? I'm 24 and a carpenter by trade and I need to get my own van, something like a standard box ford transit.



Car insurance cancellation, what to do?

Alright so I had my insurance policy through my mom with Allstate. Today we got a cancellation letter from them, and it was because of a reckless driving charge put against me. What should we do, what is the next step of getting a new policy? My mom also just got a new car about three years ago and i know for sure that she does not have it payed off. Will she be in endangerment of losing her loan. Lastly, if we do get new insurance, what do you purpose the figures maybe?



What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?

We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!



Good health insurance!?

I need an good health insurance located in Indiana? Any recommendations and experiences ?



Motorcycle Insurance?

I'm 19 yrs. old, and I'm going to be getting a 2008 Harley XL Sportser 883L, I'm going to be getting my license very soon, and I was wondering about insurance rates, anyone have an idea what my rate might be?



How much should health insurance cost a 24 year old female in los angeles?

I'm looking into geting health Insurance and i not sure how mush it would cost a healthy 24 year old female who's monthly income is ruffly 1500 a month. I don't have any major health problem. Can someone please give me an idea of what i might be looking at or any suggestions ... thanks



How much would health insurance cost?

For a single person? I'm 18 and am in great health. I really only ever go to the dermatologist once a year. Thanks!



Do I buy car insurance before buying a car from a private party?

I'm buying a car this weekend from a private seller (we are just waiting for the duplicate title to come in the mail; she lost the original). Money won't be exchanged until ...show more



What steps are needed to obtain a license to sale Insurance in the State of California?

I have a college degree, but just had a baby and I'm looking to obtain a license to sale Insurance for when my son gets older so I can have a flexible schedule. What is the process in the State of California to obtain a license to sale Insurance? (car insurance, business insurance, home insurance, etc.) Is there a seperate license for each kind of insurance? or does one license cover all of them? Also, what are the steps to obtain a license? Any information would be great! (also, how long is the process of obtaining a license?)



Does health insurance cover self-inflicted wounds?

Do health insurance companies cover the hospital fees for self-inflicted wounds like cuts or burns?



How to get car insurance at 16 without putting it under your parents name?

i just got my g1 and im looking to buy a car within the next couple of days. i live with my mom and she doesnt drive or have car insurance and my dad has been outta the picture for a long time. so how can i get car insurance under these cirumstances?



Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?

Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.



Will I have to pay sports insurance ?

I'm a 16 year old female and I will be getting a 2007 tiburon 2 door , 4 cyl car , would I have to pay sports insurance on it even though it's not 6 or 8 cyl. ?



At 14 and 16, can my boyfriend and I get health insurance together?

Can we get a plan together for our baby on the way and us? We'd like to pay for it ourselves and we need health insurance for the baby and I.


What car insurance would be best and not so expensive?

My NOW husband has not had a car for about 5 years now. Since we've lived together we' driven my car so he hasn't had any type of car or car insurance payments to his name for 5 years.
